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Syngonium Podophyllum - Albo


The Albo is a Syngonium variety with arrow-head leaves that are variegated with greens and crisp white. A stunning plant which makes a great addition to any collection!

Pot diameter: 12cm 

Sold in a black nursery pot - add a decorative pot to complete the look.


Light levels: This plant thrives in moderate to bright but indirect sunlight. Keep out of direct sunlight to avoid leaf burn but also ensure it is in a bright enough spot otherwise the variegation may become dull.

Watering: Allow soil to almost dry out in between watering in the winter but keep slightly moist through the Spring/Summer months.        

Temperature: The Syngonium enjoys a warm and humid environment. 

Feeding: Throughout the spring and summer growth period you can fertilise once a month with a balanced plant food.

Growth: This plant is a relatively quick grower which generally requires a stake for support, or you can let it trail over the side of the pot.

Toxicity:  It is advised to keep this plant out of reach of children and pet as it can be harmful if ingested.